Here are your random numbers:115
Timestamp: 2008-10-11 12:49:53 UTC
#115 is .... Tara said...
Congrats! Love the snowflakes. That's one of my weaknesses, snowflake stamps, can't ever have enough of them! =) Email me your deets so I can ship your goodies to you!
Ok...and because you guys know me well enough to know that when the comments get that high I can't just give the one prize away!.....
Lucky #'s ...... 42 117
Timestamp: 2008-10-11 13:06:47 UTC
#42 Terrie B x said...
`Congrats` on your 100,000 hits Jennifer..Here`s to the next 1000,000...:)
#117 Marian Berggren said...
Congratulations on all the hits. Thanks for sharing with us.
I need your info as well....I will be putting a little something together for you guys as well!
Thanks again for everything! You are all so sweet to stop by and offer such sweet words! I look forward to sharing more with you!
Have a good one!

YAY for the winners!!!!
Oh my goodness!!!!!! I've never won anything!!!! Ever! This is sooooo awesome! Thank you so, so much! You've made my day!
Oh My JENNIFER!!!!I am sooo exited and really really thrilled!!!
`Wow` Blog Candy from you... I mean `Wow` totally thrilled....
`Thankyou` so much you knows I love you so:)~X~
Will mail you tommorrow...must get some beauty`s 2.15 in the morn here!!
Nite Nite:)~X~
Wow huge congrats to you all xxxx
hope you are well and having a great weekend xxxDawnxxx
Wow! I couldn't believe my name was there on your blog!! I am so excited!
Thank You for sharing some blog candy with us.
Congratulations to the others.
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