Monday, December 31, 2007
It's A New Years Stamp Fest!

I'm so sorry it seems like forever since I've posted last. Ok, it was just Friday, but given I have been posting every day and most times multiple times a day that was ages ago! ;)
This has been a weekend filled with cleaning up (and out!), teething, and games. On the plus side, my basement is really close(er) to being organized. As this is where I stamp, that will be a huge plus once it's accomplished. The down side to this weekend is that Hayden is getting yet another tooth and this one is really bugging him. He has been pretty cranky all weekend.
In all honesty, I can't completely blame my lack of stamping on this. What can I tell you, I am still a huge Mario junky! To be really honest, I am quite happy that Super Paper Mario is as difficult as it is as my sons are asking me to play! Hey, we're almost finished, I'm having a hard time pulling myself away! ...I mean they are really wanting to see the end. Yeah, that's what I meant. Besides, the fate of all worlds is in our hands! ;)
Issues! I have a plenty! ;)
Anyway, with the new year coming tomorrow, I wanted to take this opportunity to say how truly lucky I am to have such an amazing support system such as you. It is so wonderful to have so many friends that are always there to lean on. I hope that each of you has a wonderful and safe New Years Eve and I look forward to stamping with each of you next year! ;)
Hope you enjoy this one. I know it's super simple but Mario is calling!...I mean, the boys really need me! ;) The picture is not the greatest. You really can't see the beautiful blue flowers. I thought you might actually see the spica pen's glitter but that was probably my imagination!

Take care & have a wonderful night!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Angel Sketch Card for Gina K
Before heading to bed...I can't believe I am still awake! ;) I thought I would participate in yet another sketch challenge. Eh, what can I say...I really do love these things! This one is hosted by Gina K. You can find out more about it here. You should give this one a try. It was super fun and most definitely a huge challenge for me! I'm not sure what my prob was with turning that piece of card stock but it gave me grief! ;)
Anyway, here it is...

Have a wonderful night! This time I am off to bed for sure!
See you soon!
My Organizer...Bind It

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Flower Card
This card totally gets me ready for spring! I can't wait to see the peonies bloom! I hope you like this one. Thanks so much for looking!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sketch Card Number 2
The second one is 'open'. I think this might make a nice variation for our card swap. I would almost do this same card but the rub-ons are already out! ...of this specific design.
You know, I have always tended to be a 'collector'. By this I mean that I have a habit of buying things and then storing them. I never use any of it for fear of running out. I feel like I have somewhat changed this habit lately as I have been using anything and everything! Hey, I actually used the metal flowers for not just this card but the Happy Heart one as well! That's saying something!
The rub-ons are going to be a bit of a problem for me! While they went on much better than I remember my past experiences with rub-ons, there is only one sheet of black and one sheet of white. Each sheet is covered with some image or word but if you were going to mass produce cards and use them they would run out...well after one card!
All that said, I have already prepared my first new catalog order and there are two other rub-ons in that order! Does that make me a walking contradiction? Maybe this will be the true test as to whether I have broken my collecting habit or not!
I have to break it...I am running out of room for all the really cool new stuff I keep finding!
Have a great night...if I don't go right to sleep after I put the boys down I will come back and work on the bind-it-all book. Otherwise I will hopefully post something tomorrow!
Take care!
Merry Christmas!
I wanted to work on my sketch card. I know I've said this a thousand times, but I really love sketch challenges! I do love how you can take one layout and produce so many different designs. The sketch is definitely a fav of mine!
Monday my Stampin' Up! preorder arrived so what better time to make a card than now. I am using all new stuff for this one. Ginger Blossom dsp and the Happy Heart Day stamp set. This is a really simple card but I am in between games right now! The boys got a few new ones for Christmas and we've been playing almost all morning. Bowling is really fun!
So here is the card....In all honesty, this card really needs the Nestibilities scalloped square punch. When I ordered mine a couple of months ago they were out. I just ordered them last night. I am hoping it is in! I tried it with the rectangle and it just doesn't work.
I used my copic markers on this one. Notice the highlight on the word 'heart'? This was totally cased from a super cute card that I saw Jen del Muro do which you can see here. As I was going through her site to find the link to the card I ran across this. Sooo cute! Anyway, as I was getting ready to color this in I googled copics and stampin up and guess what I found! This list! I knew there had to be something out there. Too bad I didn't google this before I ordered! I do see the need for getting a few different shades of some colors. It's just easier to shade that way. I used two different browns on the mouses face.
Anyway, bowling is calling. I hope you like this one. I am hoping to get something a little more fun out later this evening once everyone has gone to bed.
Take care & Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Santa Scrapbook Page

Jen del Muro's sketch challenge

I hope you enjoy this one. If you have a chance you should give it a try!
Have a wonderful day! Merry Christmas!
A Card By Diane
I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I have! Have a wonderful day! I am hoping to get home and do a little bit of stamping. It's back to the drawing board for Jen's challenge! I'm still bummed out about the whole 'pimple' thing!
Have a wonderful day and if I don't see you before, Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Pimples! Ugh!... Jen's Challenge?

Our First Card Swap Sketch Challenge!
I know that's what most of my swappers are saying right now! We are doing a sketch challenge! I thought this would be so much fun! I apologize that my sketch probably leaves much to be desired! Keep in mind, I am used to participating in these not creating them!
We are going to follow the rules that I found at SCS for this swap, in that, you can feel free to add to this sketch but you must be able to recognize the sketch with your finished product. All of our other card swap rules will apply.
For anyone out in the blogging world that happened upon this, feel free to participate as well! The more the merrier! If it's not too much trouble, be sure and post here with a link to your card so we can all enjoy.
Here's the sketch:
Again...never done this part before. I know this is not really to scale and well looking at it right now the strip across the card doesn't actually make it all the way across! oops. I did this in Microsoft publisher....I'm quite sure there is a better way!
If you have any questions feel free to drop me an email.
Take care!
My Favorite Things Sketch Challenge

Friday, December 21, 2007
I Need So Much Practice!
I love the copics. They arrived yesterday. I was out shopping and actually found some at Hobby Lobby. I am so excited about that! It's great to actually see them up close and personal. The drawback was that I have now seen the Sketch and I ordered the Ciao. I really like the way the Sketch feels. ....and I think my sweet husband is wound up! ;)
Anyway, I couldn't wait to get home and use them! Wow! These things aren't 'plug & play'! I thought I would be doing good to stamp with my Staz On ink. It bled! (thus, the card change!...I had already adhered everything before!) I was so frustrated that every time I would get close to the image my color would pick up the black ink! Ugh!
Today I tried to stamp with just my Stampin' Up! basic black ink pad. No significant bleeding.
Now the only other draw back to me is my inability to match my Stampin' Up! card stock and accessories. The reason for this is that I don't really have the colors needed for this. It would be nice to have something that told you what Copic coordianted with what SU! color. I guess I will have to start working on that one. Not sure how long that one will take!
Anyway, to compensate for the lack of matching I covered this card stock with these really cool pink sequins I found while at Hobby Lobby. Aren't they fun! Then I added the chocolate chip satin ribbon to break it up a bit. There is a transparency in the window. I don't know, somehow this was the whole window...window shopping...thing....add to that the pink sequins and satin ribbon and you have my happy place!!! ;)

Retail therapy is NOT overrated! :)
I hope you like this. I hope I get better with these things! ;)
I'm off to practice! I will talk to you all soon!
Have a great night!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Our 2nd Annual Card Swap Gift Exchange!
Check out the mini cookie cutters! Aren't they cute!

This is the tin Diane altered for Bobbi...and to think...she's only been stamping a little while!

Here's Meg with the frame that Lauren altered for her. Cute, cute Super CUTE!

She altered it as well. Beautiful!
And here is Lauren with the bracelet that Tammy made for her....wayyy too cute!!!!

Last, but certainly not least, Jen S's super cute CD holder for Carol.....

And that's it! What do you think? Do you see why I can't get enough of my card swap group! They are always coming up with the cutest things you've ever seen!
Oh Where Oh Where Have My Copics Gone?
Ok...here's a sneak of the card I hope to finish tomorrow.
I am really hoping that I get the colors right or else the paper may change (to protect the innocent). It is really so hard to tell what colors I am getting by looking online. I think there are pinks in it. Who knows. One thing I do know is that there didn't look like there were any browns. I am thinking, if I like them, my next purchase may come sooner rather than later.
I'm gonna need brown. And red. And blue. And purple. And black. And, etc, etc, etc....
This is going to be a really simple card. I was hoping it could be an example for our next card swap. I am loving participating in the sketch challenges so much that I thought it would be fun to do one for our next swap. Keep in mind...I have no idea how to copy the sketch to the computer or even if my 'idea' of a sketch is worthy of repeating. It should be fun regardless. I will hopefully have something to upload for this tomorrow. Ok...for sure by next week!
That's all for this one. I am going to upload the rest of our pictures from our last card swap and get moving on teacher/class presents for Friday. I am so excited to share all of our projects.
They are all so very cute and creative!
By the by...is anyone having issues with blogger today? Mine is acting really weird! It's sort of pushing me over the edge right now! I have been trying to install a new wireless printer for this computer. That has for some reason proven to be quite the bear! I thought maybe this problem was caused by something with that. I tried to uninstall the driver. Wouldn't work. So I called tech support where I sat on hold for what seemed like 5 hours. I was so frustrated that I think I may have been a little short with the HP guy. In my defense, I couldn't really hear him which was even more frustrating. In his defense, my kids were really loud and the baby was crying...he's sick so he's really tired and REALLY cranky!
Guess it wasn't the printer! Uh...who knew!?
Take care!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Card Swap!

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Jen del Muro's Weekly Challenge

Friday, December 14, 2007
A Little Gift Card
It was quick and painless and I wasn't able to come home until after 2PM. Since I finished at 10:30 I was left wondering what to do. First, I went to the scrapbook store. It is always nice to peruse through there without any little ones. Then off to a movie where I was told by the concession guy that I was 'really pretty' and would I be interested in seeing a free movie?!?
Huh??? ***I did leave the wedding ring at home. They always ask you to take it off and I am such a space that I didn't want to lose it...again!...during a scan!
I'm guessing the guy needs glasses as I am, at the very least, 10 years older than he was! That my friends, is being really kind to myself! Either way, I would really like to find out just how to create the same lighting environment in my own home...and pretty much everywhere I go! ;)
Anyway, here's the one and only thing I can show you right now. I needed a gift card and here's what I came up with. I wanted to post something.

I am hoping for lots of great stuff this weekend. My swap project is moving right along. I might actually finish in time! I'm just not feeling that creative right now!
Take care and I will post you soon!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
PET Tomorrow
I will just share that while I do not think I am sick again!....just wanted to clear that up first....I feel fine....nothing strange going on....all's good.... Even with all of that I still get a little (gross understatement!) freaked out prior to any scan. I always do.
If you aren't aware of my history, I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in September 2003. Actually, it all started in August of that year. It took almost a month from my first scan to my 'official' diagnosis. That was a really, REALLY, long month!
My first dr. was a complete and utter jerk! When I went in for my scan results...I was totally not expecting anything out of the ordinary...he just flat out said 'you have cancer'. Then he said ' you either have lymphoma or thyroid cancer and I think you have thyroid cancer'. Specifically he thought I had the type of thyroid that you don't survive! What a jerk!
That's sort of putting it nicely, don't ya think?
There I was in his office with Evan and Carter. They were 1 and 3 at the time, and I was not prepared to hear this. The next month was spent finding a new dr., getting test after test, biopsies...the bone marrow wasn't as bad as I expected, by the way...and worrying.
Finally, I was 'officially' diagnosed and one week later I started chemo. About 5 months later that was finished. I had one month off and then it was on to radiation. Really hated the mask they made to bolt my head to the table by the way! You know, it took longer to set everything up for radiation than it took to actually get radiated.
Cancer really does suck.
I'm so sorry if the language offends but there is really no other way to say it. Every scan I have had since starting chemo has been cancer free! From all of the research I've done, that it a really good indication that you will remain cancer free. In fact you have a 98% chance of never relapsing when your first (early) scan is clear. Mine was clear after my first round of chemo. In all honesty, I could tell a difference in the way I felt after the first treatment. Well, the second week after treatment!
With Hodgkin's you have chemo one day of one week and then you are 'off' the next week. I had treatment every other Tuesday. I felt terrible from 'D' day until the Friday after. By Saturday I would start to feel better and by Monday I felt great. I never knew I was sick until the Monday following my first treatment....and that's only because I felt so great then! It was amazing.
So now I am off to get my scan. It stinks because it reminds me of all of the old stuff. The smells, the tastes...all of the old worries. I really hate going there. I really hate thinking about all of that 'stuff'.
Ok...so I guess that's it for my depressing rant! Or not, depending on how you look at it. I've been cancer free for 4 years now! That's really exciting! It really stinks how your mind can mess with you. I'm hoping I will get a good nights sleep tonight. I'm hoping that I won't freak out from now until my next dr's appointment in January....that's when I get the results.
I am going to do a bit of stamping after I tuck the boys in...then I am going to veg in front of the TV...then I am hopeful I will get some sleep!
If I come up with anything fabulous I will post it. If not, maybe I will have something tomorrow night. Anyway, thanks for listening. I hope I didn't freak anyone out.
I hope you are all doing well and I will post you soon!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Merry Card
Anyway, most of what I am working on I can't post. It's all class projects and my swap for next week. Last night after cub scouts I did take a little time to work on something else. This isn't quite how it started last night but this is how it's going to be! ;)
I hope you all like this. It's really simple but sort of fun. Hope you are all having a great day! I am off to find something to fix for dinner. Given that nothing is thawed this should be really interesting!
One quick addition...i really do love this paper. I think it's super cute. But I do know I have done it and then some! I'm starting to see these colors in my sleep! I'm so looking forward to a new catalog! ;)
Take care and have a wonderful night!
Lauren's November Card Swap Card
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Chicken Card & Jen's Challenge SFYTT
I was bummed that my mini-sewing machine decided to call it quits today! I actually got out the big one to sew on this card and am such a novice with that machine I couldn't figure out how to get a zig-zag stitch. I finally gave up and did the faux thing. I am loving the feathers! I am thinking of using them with the cat stamp on a tin of some sort. How cute will that be!
Hope you are all having a great night! Thanks so much for looking! I am off to tuck my little ones in!
Take care! :)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Inspired by 'w'ittle Carter

Completely goofy! Not all that different from 'w'ittle Cary. We were sitting waiting to pickup Evan from school and a light bulb went off. I remembered the Eventful stamp set and here you go.
Not sure what else will get posted this weekend. I really must get started on my swap project or else my secret someone will never speak to me again! Aaaahhhh! ;) Just kidding...I already know what I am going to do.
Hope you are all having a great weekend! I am still enjoying the snow! I spoke to my mother today and it's nice and warm in Texas! I do miss that but it is nice to have snow in December. I really am hoping for a white Christmas.
Take care! :)
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Here's the latest...

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Christmas Ornament Card

Retired Contest

Hope Card

I am turning into the glitter queen! I am pretty much out of heat and stick powder! Time to reorder! I just love the sparkle.
Thanks for looking! I am going to be posting some more card swap cards today and hopefully I will have something else to show.
Take care!