How fun is this stamp! This is my new motto! Hey, I live in a house filled with testosterone! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Can't wait to share the rest of this set! It's soooo super fun and adorable!
Ok...second card. This is from another of the new stamp kits. Hey Chick! How cute is that!
I LOVE this set! This little birdie is the cutest! Love the font....Lovelovelove the set! Ohmygoodness! New rubbah! It's the little things in life that make me smile! Yup...I'm a simple girl!
Ok....Ann...leave that one alone! ;)
Hope you are all doing well. Be sure and check out the rest of the Unity team for more. They are each posting something using their new sets. I can't wait to see them!
Have a good one! Hope to see you tonight at the release party!
Can't wait to show you the rest of this one....let me just say....this is my new motto! ;)
Here's one more sneak peak...LOVE this one!
This is a bit more of a clue....LOVE this set! What can I say! LOVE them all!
Hope you are all doing well! I will post the rest of these tomorrow and don't forget to stop by SCS for the release party tomorrow night at 8PM...you can find us here!
Oh my goodness! Our challenge this week was to use the items that came in this package for our sketches. Well, there was so much stuff I could have probably made about 12 cards! Since I am still catching up from last weekend I opted for one! I would like to say that I will come back to it and make something else this week but I am supposed to be heading to Utah for the Stampin' Up! convention later in the week....all that is hanging on the flight...well, you know where this is going!
Oh yeah, back to the card....I LOVE these little owls! I couldn't resist using them! Here's my card for this weeks Page Plans sketch....
LOVE those owls! Thier little jiggly eyes are the cutest! Be sure and head over to Page Plans. It was so much fun to see what everyone created with these supplies....we all got the same package...I think I forgot to say that earlier!
I am off! I have so much stamping to do! ...a class tomorrow night, Unity has a release coming up on the 30th!....new rubbah! I am loving all of the new images!....and then out of town the 31st....if all goes well! I will bring my computer this week and share from Salt Lake...again...if I can actually get on that plane! I am really excited to meet so many of my SU friends and I still cannot believe I am actually going to have dinner with Shellie Gardner! How cool is that!
...it's also pretty cool that I will be getting an early copy of the catalog! Oh my goodness! That's a TON of motivation to fly but I don't know!
Hope you are all having a great day! I will post you all soon!
What do you think? I really like the brown and red for Christmas. Be sure and check out the rest of the Stamp Simply team....Julie, Dee, Tammy, Janine, and Becky.
Hope you are all doing well! I must get busy on another card. I have three started on my desk. Of course, my desk currently looks as if a scrapbook store exploded on it! I know they are there somewhere!
Post you all soon!
...sorry...completely forgot to add....his beard and the trim of his hat and suit is covered in liquid pearls. I really love this product. After his beard dried I went back and added more dots for a bit more dimension.
Gotta love the bling! I think I could cover an entire card with this stuff and be happy! ...Oh, wait...I think I've done that before!
Ok, I'm off to catch up on some things around here. I have some super cute RAK to be posting today. Can't wait to share. I am also going to have a stamping fest at some point today. So much to do!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! I will post you soon!
Isn't she a cutie!
What an exciting day this was! While I was walking around I saw Taylor VanBruggen! She could so be a model! She's super tall and BEAUTIFUL! I'm thinking that card making is just her side job!
Isn't she stunning! Talented, sweet and so pretty!
...and another super pretty and talented gal....Jen Balcer! I was completely star struck! I so love her! She is super talented and I love reading her blog.
...this gal has mad skills! I so love all of her tutorials! Oh my goodness! All of these gals are the total package! Creative, sweet, beautiful! ...I am so star struck!
I had the great pleasure of having dinner with the Papertrey crew on Friday night. Can you believe it! Sitting at a table with all of these super talented gals! Ohmygoodness! It was an amazing time!
How fun are these!
Here's the Unity gals with a couple of our new friends at dinner on Saturday night....
That's all I have for now. I am off to try and salvage this skunky card! ;) I hope you are all doing well and having a wonderful night! I will post you with something card/project related tomorrow...hopefully! ....and probably a few more pics!
Have a great night!
How pretty is she! I so love her and I'm guessing at this point she realizes just how nuts I am! I think I almost knocked her over giving her a hug! ;)
...and since we are on the subject of the ever so fabulous Sharon! How about this little cutey!
Yup...that would be the ever talented Dee Jackson! So excited to meet her! I actually got to see Dee every day of CHA so I got to chat quite a bit with her. She is such a sweet gal. I adore her!
Ok...how about another one of the Unity team....
Check out those two Unity hotties in the background! The Unity guys were all the talk!
And how excited was I to meet the one and only Gina K! Oh my goodness! She's even prettier in person! ...and just the sweetest thing ever! LOVE her!
Ok...I think I might have actually liked the tiara! It's not every day that you can get away with wearing one of those! Hmmm....I think that it might complete the perfect ensemble for diaper duty. What do you think?
You know one of the people that I am completely in love with! She's one of the sweetest gals that I have had the pleasure of meeting since I started stamping. That would be Lori Craig. She's just beautiful and so sweet and she's even more beautiful and even sweeter in person! I love her!
Ok...one more for today....How excited was I when I saw Carolyn King....Cammie herself! Well, I could hardly contain my excitement! ...and then the one and only Carole Burrage is there! Oh my goodness! I was definitely a bit overwhelmed! I so adore both of these gals! Check this out....
Can you believe I took off the tiara for this one! Hey, how can you compete with these gals! Aren't they beautiful! I must confess to feeling totally like the soul sister of Caroles. We choose the same names...we like the same book....Yup...we're twins!
Well I guess I better go spend some time with the family. I hope you are all doing well. It is my sincere hope to get some stamping done tonight. I was lucky enough to come home with some new rubbah! Can you believe that is has sat on my desk all day untouched! It's a bit of a crime!
Post ya soon! :)
Yup...the big goofy grin pretty much says it all! I was so excited to meet her. She's so super talented and one of the sweetest people around! She's alwyas so encouraging...I really cannot say enough about her! What a doll!
...and speaking of dolls....
Dawn McVey! Another sweetie! Dawn is so talented and just such a nice gal! Oh my goodness! I cannot believe this weekend!
I have sooo many more pictures to share. Unfortunately I had all of 3 hours of sleep last night and I can honestly say the adrenaline has worn off! I am about to fall over! I will post some more tomorrow! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that you have a fabulous night!
Take care! :)
Be sure and check out the rest of Sharon's team....Julie, Tammy, Becky, and Janine...Dee is out at CHA already! Lucky girl! I'm still hoping my hubby's flight doesn't get cancelled! I cannot wait to head over in the morning! :)
I hope you are all doing well! If the airline cooporates my next post will come to you live from Chicago! :)
Have a good one! :)
The first two pages look like this.....The next two look like this....
I will confess that this is a favorite of mine. The cover has a slight smudge.....Hayden. I was pressed for time and didn't have a chance to fix it. Talk about being bummed! Oh well, I need to keep a better eye on the finished stuff!
Anyway, I am off to bed! It's been a long day! My MIL will be here tomorrow to help with the kids while I am gone. I will be posting while there. I am scheduling both my card for Sharon's challenge on Friday and my Page Plans card for Sunday. I will also try and check in while in Chicago to give you guys updates on all of the goodies and share some pictures.
I hope you all have a wonderful night! I will post you soon! :)
Well, I got to thinking about Christmas cards again. I'm totally on the Christmas kick! This is why by November I don't even want to think about anything relating to Christmas and am sick to death of red and green! ;)
...hopefully that won't happen this year! I guess if it does the good thing will be that my cards should all be finished!
Here's my card for this week....
I used the same set that I used for my ornaments from yesterday. This is one of my favorite Christmas sets! I really love the artsy feel of the images. So very cute!
I hope you are all having a great Sunday! We just ran in from outside...it's a beautiful day here! The weather is not to warm and the sun is shining! The beetles are still, however, flying! YUCK!
Have a great one! We are off to enjoy this beautiful day! Hope you are doing the same! :)
1.) Unity Stamp Company Stamp Kit Christmas Joy
2.) Crate Paper paper
3.) Real Red card stock SU
4.) Red velvet brads LSS
5.) Real Red gingham ribbon SU
6.) Copic markers
...now look at that tree! Do you see how some of the ornaments look like olives! Now you see why I had to pull out Fun Night Out! How can I have the set without the martini glass!
Oh my heck! What does that say about me! ***hick
just kidding! ;)
Ok...I hope you all get a chance to play with this one. It was definitely more time consuming than a card but well worth it! I really enjoyed doing this and think this would make great gifts this year.
I hope you are all having a great weekend! I am off to bed! It's been a long day! I have so much to do before Friday! CHA this week! woohoo! I am so excited to be heading to Chicago! I am really looking forward to meeting so many of my online stamping friends! I will post lots and lots of pictures for all of you!
Hope you have a great night I will post you in the morning! :)
I used the same stamp set for this one. It's from Unity Stamp Co. and called Floral Fantastical. The paper is Crate Paper and all from the same kit. I used one 12X12 for all three...there was a bit leftover...not sure what I am going to do with that because part of my new thing is to not have anything left to save!
Ok...closer...here is the first card...it's the most EPLS of the bunch....
Then came this little number.....
...and finally......
That's it for me....I'm so excited that I used almost the whole thing...I won't tell you that I may throw out the rest! Look if I don't I will end up with chaos again! I can't deal with that! Really...it's for the best!
Be sure and check out the rest of Sharon's team...Julie, Dee, Tammy, Becky, and Janine. If you get a chance to play...and you don't have to make three! ;) be sure and upload somewhere and link on Sharon's blog...if you upload to SCS be sure and use the keyword ssnotime43.
...and I'm off! It's late and I am soooo tired! I will post you all tomorrow! Have a great one! :)
I colored this in with my Copic markers and distressed it with my Antique Linen distress ink. I did add some pearls to the side images...you can never go wrong with pearls! I added a magnet strip to the back so the whole thing will hang on the fridge in the garage.
Oh the possibilities! If you have ordered and have some of the laying around I would love to see what you come up with. If you don't, now is a great time to find out. There is a sale over at Unity right now! You can find out more at the Unity blog.
I hope you all had a wonderful day! I'm off to bed! It's been a great day!...but a LONG day! I will have to take some after pictures when I am all finished downstairs. I posted a before...without really realizing it...at SCS...it was a wreak! I've been working for the last two days cleaning and reorganizing...you wouldn't believe the difference! I'm so tired I can hardly move! ...and I am suffering withdrawals! I really haven't gotten to stamp much! I am hoping to finish tomorrow so I can get lots of stamping in. I NEED that!
Hope you all have a wonderful night and I will post you soon!